TOWN OF STAMFORD PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Stamford Planning Commission will hold a public hearing pursuant to 24 V.S.A. Chapter 117 4441 to receive comments concerning the proposed revisions to the Zoning Bylaws. Monday, March 24, 2025 at 7 pm Town Office 986 Main Road Stamford, VT 05352 The proposed Bylaws affect the entire Town of Stamford and its residents. The Bylaws are intended to implement the goals and policies of the Town Plan by providing for appropriate future land uses, densities and intensities of development in a manner that will promote economic prosperity, protect important resources, and contribute to a high quality of life for residents. The substantive changes encompass one main area: to simplify and clarify the language regarding signs. The proposed Bylaws set standards for sign regulation and use. Chapter Outline: Purpose and Applicability, 1) Definitions, 2) Limitations, 3) Districts, 4) Residential Districts, 5) Rural Districts, 6) Forest Districts, 7) General Regulations, 8) Special Regulations, 9) Administration and Enforcement, Zoning Map, Appendix I Flood Hazard Area Regulations. The proposed changes do not include any alteration of the district boundaries or the Appendix I Flood Hazard Area Regulations. Copies of the proposed Zoning Bylaws are available for review at the town office. Information can be obtained by calling (802) 694-1361. Ad# 91814 02/26/2025
Feb 26, 2025.
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