MONTEREY PUBLIC NOTICE Planning Board Public Meeting Notice The Planning Board for the Town of Monterey will hold a public hearing/meeting pursuant to M.G.L., c 131, sections 39A & 40, SMA and WPA, at the Monterey Town Offices, 435 Main Road, Monterey, MA on Thursday February 13th , 2025 at 7 p.m. to act on the following Zoning Bylaw Update: 1. Removing the existing ADU Bylaw section 4.3.3 and replacing it with the new section 4.3.3 ADU bylaw included below. 4.3.3 Accessory Dwelling Units Regardless of the district in which they are located, Accessory Dwelling units are permitted as long as they comply with the table of Dimensional Requirements section 4.2.1 Definitions Accessory Dwelling Unit - A self-contained housing unit with a separate entrance from the principal dwelling unit that is inclusive of sleeping, cooking, and sanitary facilities on the same lot as a principal dwelling, subject to applicable dimensional and parking requirements. Gross Floor Area - The sum of the floor area of the spaces within the residential conditioned building space measured to the exterior surfaces of the outside walls, including basements, mezzanines, and intermediate floor levels. Exemptions include non-enclosed areas, balconies, porch roof overhangs and any non-enclosed areas whether covered by a roof or not. Attached utility structures such as a garage or carport would be exempt from the gross square footage. Principal Dwelling Unit - The principal dwelling unit of which the ADU is a part, or, if detached, the single-family dwelling on the lot on which the ADU is located. Procedure and Requirements 1. The Building Commissioner may issue as a matter of right a Building Permit authorizing the construction of an ADU if the following conditions are met: A. ADU's must comply with Mass State Housing Regulations from the 2024 Affordable Housing Act (sec 71.01 - 71.04) B. Only one ADU is allowed by right on each property. Additional ADU's require a special permit. C. The accessory dwelling unit must be within 175 feet of the principal dwelling unit, measured from the closest points between the two structures. D. The gross floor area of an ADU (including any additions) shall not be greater than 900 square feet or half of the gross floor area of the principal dwelling, whichever is smaller. E. The principal dwelling and the ADU on a Lot may both be rented for periods of no less than 31 days. NOTE: Short term rentals are currently not allowed by the Monterey Zoning Bylaws as outlined in the table of use regulations (section 3.1.3) F. A minimum of two off street parking spaces for the principal dwelling unit and one off street parking space for the ADU must be provided for a minimum of three parking spaces. G. A Home occupation may be allowed in the principal dwelling unit and/or the ADU. Additional parking is required as per section 6.0 General Regulations, Parking. Exceptions to these conditions for the construction of ADU's requires approval by special permit. 2. Removing section 2.2.3 Item 1 - Fox Hill Parcel from the Municipal Parcel Solar Overlay District. AD #91365, 91390 01/30/2025, 02/06/2025
Feb 06, 2025 (Expired).
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