TOWN OF LEE Invitation for Bids for Lease of Open Space 1185 Pleasant St Notice to Bidders The Town of Lee, acting through its Town Administrator, will receive sealed bids, from qualified entities to lease space at 1185 Pleasant Street, with minimum specifications as described below, until 2:30 pm, March 3, 2025, by the Town Administrator, 32 Main Street, Lee, MA 01238, at which time the bids received will be publicly opened. The Invitation of Bids (IFB) may be obtained electronically via the town's website .us/home/pages/job-postings-invitations-bidquote-town-work-and-supplies beginning January 29, 2025. All Addenda must be submitted in writing. Each individual or firm recorded as having requested a set of Contract Documents will be electronically notified via email when addenda are issued. It is the sole responsibility of the proposer to review all ADDENDA prior to the proposal deadline at. The Town Administrator reserves the right to accept and/or reject any and all bids and waive any informality in procurement procedures to the extent allowed by law and make the award as may be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. Any bids submitted will be binding for thirty (30) days subsequent to the time of bid opening. Submission of Bids: Deadline for submission of bids is March 3, 2025, at 2:30 PM local time. The Town Clerks Time Stamp is the time of record. It is the proposer's responsibility to confirm that a dealer has been submitted and/or retracted and that the proposal is 100% true, complete and accurate. Sealed Bids marked "1185 Pleasant Street Bids" will be received at the Town Hall of Lee, Attn: Chris Brittain, 32 Main Street, Lee, MA, 01238 at any time up to this deadline. Each Bidder's name, address and contact phone number shall be clearly visible from the outside of each sealed envelope. Late bids shall NOT be accepted. R. Christopher Brittain, Town Administrator For assistance, call 413-409-5976 Ad# 91226 02/05/2025
Feb 05, 2025 (Expired).
Town of Lee Notices Ads from The Berkshire Eagle ShopLocal