Ads for Town of Great Barrington in Great Barrington, MA
Planning Board Town of Great Barrington Public Hearing The Great Barrington Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing pursuant to MGL Ch. 40A, s. 5, on Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM, at Town Hall, 334 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA 01230, to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the following proposed Zoning amendments: 1 Delete existing Section 8.5, Planned Unit Residential Development, in its entirety from the bylaw, and replace it with the a new Section 8.5 entitled Residential Cluster Development (RCD), add use permissions for the new RCD into part A of the Table of Use Regulations, Section 3.1.4. 2 Add a new overlay district, entitled Campus Overlay District (COD), to the zoning Bylaw and to the zoning Map. The proposed COD includes use regulations and other standards intended to facilitate the continued use, reuse, and redevelopment of the Simon's Rock college campus property. 3 Amend Section 8.3.3 and 8.3.4 to reduce the amount of permeable open space required for a multi-unit dwelling projects from 50% to 25% and to reduce the parking requirement from 1.5 to 1 space per dwelling unit. The proposed amendments may be reviewed on the Planning Board page of the town website or in the Town Clerk's office at Town Hall, 334 Main Street. Any person wishing to be heard on these matters should attend the Hearing or submit comments in writing by 12 noon the day of. A Zoom attendance option will be listed on the meeting agenda. Brandee Nelson, Chair AD# 91631 02/20/2025, 02/27/2025
Feb 20, 2025 (Expired).
Town of Great Barrington Notices Ads from The Berkshire Eagle ShopLocal