NOTICE OF SALE, NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE, Premises: 28 Mckinley Terrace, Pittsfield, MA 01201, By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Jeanette Fearrington Alston and Gotha L. Swann to Beneficial Massachusetts, Inc., dated December 17, 2003, and recorded with the Berkshire County (Middle District) Registry of Deeds in Book 2814 at Page 11, as affected by an assignment of mortgage from Beneficial Massachusetts, Inc. to U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as trustee for LSF10 Master Participation Trust, dated November 20, 2017, and recorded with said Registry in Book 6113 at Page 138, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by assignment, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold by Public Auction at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on the 10th day of February, 2025 at the mortgaged premises located at 28 Mckinley Terrace, Pittsfield, MA 01201, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit: One Hundred Twenty-Five and Thirty-One One Hundredths (125.31) feet to land now or formerly of Edwin Bagg; Thence Northerly Sixty and One One-Hundredth (60.01) feet to a stone; Thence Easterly Parallel to the Southerly line One Hundred Twenty-Six and Forty-Four One-Hundredths (126.44) feet to the place of beginning. Being Lot No. 13 on a proposed plan of building lots made for William A. Pike and Frank E. Peirson, dated October, 1897. Being the same property conveyed from Richard J. Coleman and Ruth W. Coleman, husband and wife to Jeanette Fearrington Alston and Gotha L. Swann, Tenants in Common by deed recorded 05-01-80, in Book 1032, at Page 421, in the Register's Office of Berkshire County, Massachusetts. For Mortgagor's title, see deed dated March 7, 2024, and recorded in Book 7608, at Page 81 in the Berkshire County (Middle District) Registry of Deeds. Premises to be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. High bidder to sign written memorandum of sale upon acceptance of the high bid. The balance of the purchase price is to be paid by certified or bank check at Friedman Vartolo LLP, 85 Broad Street, Suite 501, New York, NY 11004, within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. In the event of an error in this publication, the description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF10 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, Friedman Vartolo LLP 1325 Franklin Ave, Suite 160 Garden City, NY 11530 AD# 91012 01/17/2025, 01/24/2025, 01/31/2025
Jan 17, 2025 (Expired).
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