WILLIAMSTOWN CONSERVATION COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2025 The Williamstown Conservation Commission will meet on Thursday, January 23 at 7:00 PM via Zoom and at The Municipal Building, 31 North Street. The Commission will consider, subject to the Wetlands Protection Act (310 CMR 10.00) and MGL Chapter 141, 40, the following application: 7:00 PM A Request for Determination of Applicability for Carl Sweet at 1014 Hopper Road for a new storage barn on property including an existing single-family home. Work to occur in wetland buffer zones on Assessor's Parcels 208-20. 7:00 PM A Notice of Intent for the Town of Williamstown Department of Public Works for the reconstruction of South Street from Field Park to Buxton School including replacement of underground infrastructure, curbing, and pavement, and addition of sidewalks to the eastern side of the street. Work to occur in wetland buffer zones. Please visit https://sites.google.com/williamstownma.gov/concom/home for information about this meeting and details on how to connect to the Conservation Commission and participate in this public hearing. The meeting is also available on WilliNet live, Ch. 1303 for Williamstown Spectrum Cable customers or streaming on WilliNet.org. Any questions or comments prior to the meeting can be sent to ConCom@WilliamstownMA.gov Phil McKnight, Chairman AD# 01/16/2025
Jan 16, 2025 (Expired).
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