DALTON FIRE DISTRICT The Dalton Fire District Clerk, Melanie Roucoulet, would like to invite Dalton residents to a Special Meeting on Tuesday December 3rd 2024 at 6:30pm at the Stationery Factory on Flansburg Ave. Article 1. To see if the District will vote to appropriate a sum of money to borrow to purchase an ambulance including the costs incidental and related thereto, and to meet this appropriation, the Treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Water Commissioners, is authorized to borrow an amount up to $350,000.00 under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(d) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the district therefore and to take any other action relative thereto. AD# 90131 11/21/2024
Nov 21, 2024 (Expired).
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