Ads for Becket Conservation Commission in Becket, MA
Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40, the Wetlands Protection Act, The Becket Conservation Commission will hold a public meeting both virtually and at the Becket Town Hall on Wednesday, November 19th, 2024, at 6:00 PM to review the following new applications and public hearings: Request for Determination of Applicability: Submitted by Jeffery and Lisa Rosen for the removal of seven trees within the Buffer Zone of the Bank of Indian Lake at 341 Seneca Drive (Map 219, Lot 219). Notice of Intent: Submitted by Erin and Edward Kowalczyk for demolition and reconstruction of a single-family home, installation of a new septic tank, gravel parking area, a new dock, and other associate work under MassDEP #102-0486 at 303 Old Pond Road (Map 210, Lot 54). Copies of each application and any additional information is available for review in the Conservation Office at Becket Town Hall at 557 Main Street, Becket MA 01223. Ad# 89839 11/12/2024
Nov 12, 2024 (Expired).
Becket Conservation Commission Notices Ads from The Berkshire Eagle ShopLocal